African Medlar – 5 Seeds

(Vangueria infausta)


The fruit is edible and has a pleasant sweet-sour, mealy taste. It tastes like an apple. This plant has medicinal value as well.

Common names: wild medlar (Eng.); wilde mispel (Afr.); mpfilwa (Tsonga & Shangaan); mmilo (Northern Sotho); muzwilu, mavelo (Venda); umviyo, umtulwa (Zulu); umvilo (Xhosa); umbizo, umviyo (Ndebele); mmilo, mothwany (Tswana); umvile, amantulwane (Swati).

Indoor Sowing: Late Winter / Early Spring.

Direct Sowing:  Spring.


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African Medlar
African Medlar – 5 Seeds

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