Blue Sour Plum – 5 Seeds

(Ximenia americana)


Blue Sour Plum is one of the most valuable wild edible plants in the world. It is used as food, medicine and an essential oil source.

Common names: small blue sourplum, hog plum (Eng.); kleinblousuurpruim (Afr.); ukolotshane, umtunduluka-omncane, umkholotshwana (Zul.);umtfundvuluka, umthunduluka (Swa.); ntsengele (Tso.); morotologana (Tsw.); morotologa, motshidi, hwele, mosidi-wa-serotologane (N.So.); mutanzwa (Ven.) holotshani (Nde.)

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Blue Sour Plum
Blue Sour Plum – 5 Seeds

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