Pennyroyal Seeds, Pennyroyal (Mentha pulegium L.), the smallest member of the Mint family, is a world renowned medicinal herb with a strong aroma similar to spearmint. Preferring moist, low laying areas this herb is also known as “Lurk in the Ditch” because of its fondness of ditches and swamps.It grows in a mat and makes an excellent ground-cover that will crowd out any weeds. Pennyroyal can spread aggressively and should either be contained or grown in a area where its spreading is not a problem.
Pennyroyal Uses
Used as a repellent for fleas in Ancient Rome, Pennyroyal was thought to purify air and water and was hung in the rooms of sick people because of its strong aroma. It’s an excellent insect repellent. Since it is not absorbed through the skin, rubbing the leaves on exposed areas of your body can be as effective at repelling mosquitoes, flies, gnats and ticks. It is also soothing as a skin wash to relieve itching and rash. Pet collars, woven from the freshly gathered stems and leaves, will deter fleas, and bunches of the herb, hanging to dry, will also keep pests at bay. Many commercial products contain the oil of pennyroyal in insect-repellent preparations.
Pennyroyal Medicinal Benefits
Pennyroyal has been used traditionally as a stimulating tea to relieve digestive disorders, gall bladder disorders, gout, nausea , and nervous conditions. Pennyroyal leaf, prepared as a hot infusion, will promote perspiration. It may relieve headache, bring down fever , and quiet coughs. It has also been used to treat bronchitis and sinusitis. Its emmenagogic properties stimulate uterine contraction and promote menstrual flow.
Pregnant women and people who suffer from kidney or liver problems should not handle or use Pennyroyal, because even though it smells like mint and even tastes like mint, unlike mint it contains pulegone, an extremely poisonous compound that is toxic to the liver and acts as an abortificant.
How to grow Pennyroyal
Indoor Sowing: Late Winter and Early Spring
Direct Sowing: Spring.
- Like mint, pennyroyal prefers sun but will tolerate a little shade.
- Plant it in well-drained soil and keep it moist.
- It does not like to be dry.
- Bloomer is mid-summer. The lilac flowers grow on stems that are 4- to 6-inches tall.
- Pennyroyal is easily grown from seed.
- You can direct sow the seeds in the spring after all danger of frost has passed but before the soil warms.
- The seeds germinate best in cool soil.
- It is recommended that you start seeds indoors.
- Whether grown indoors or outdoors, the seeds should be surface sown.
- They need light to germinate.
- Germination should occur within 10 to 15 days. You can transplant your seedlings outdoors after all danger of frost has passed and they have at least 2 sets of true leaves.
Medicinal Information:
All medicinal information on this website is for educational and informational purposes only and may not be construed as medical advice. The information is not intended to replace medical advice or treatment offered by healthcare professionals.
Seeds, Plants, Plant Cuttings, Geophytes and Dried Herbs:
In some countries and provinces, certain plants are deemed as invasive and are not allowed to be planted at all, whilst some plants are allowed to be grown only in certain areas or provinces. The onus is on you as the buyer to familiarize yourself with the regulations pertaining to your location, before purchasing any of our seeds, plants, plant cuttings, geophytes or dried herbs. We will not be held liable, should you purchase any seeds, plants, plant cuttings, geophytes or dried herbs. from us which are prohibited in your country or province.