Caserta Squash Seeds. Caserta Squash (Cucurbita pepo), also known as baby marrow or Zucchini, is and open pollinated, bush type plant that produces high yields of 16″ long light green zucchini summer squash with dark green stripes. Very flavorful. An excellent choice for home gardens.
Growing Caserta Squash
- Summer Squash need warm weather to grow.
- It is best to plant Caserta Squash Seeds directly in the garden.
- Plant your seeds after the soil has warmed up.
- Thin so there are 4 plants per hill.
- Eight plants will provide more than enough for a large family.
- Requires fertile slightly acid soil in a well drained location in the garden. Apply much and grass clippings, or straw around base of plant. Add well composted manure.
- Keep soil consistently moist, but not waterlogged. Water well during dry and hot spells.
Medicinal Information:
All medicinal information on this website is for educational and informational purposes only and may not be construed as medical advice. The information is not intended to replace medical advice or treatment offered by healthcare professionals.
Seeds, Plants, Plant Cuttings, Geophytes and Dried Herbs:
In some countries and provinces, certain plants are deemed as invasive and are not allowed to be planted at all, whilst some plants are allowed to be grown only in certain areas or provinces. The onus is on you as the buyer to familiarize yourself with the regulations pertaining to your location, before purchasing any of our seeds, plants, plant cuttings, geophytes or dried herbs. We will not be held liable, should you purchase any seeds, plants, plant cuttings, geophytes or dried herbs. from us which are prohibited in your country or province.