Basil versus Holy Basil

Basil versus Holy Basil

Basil versus Holy Basil – similarities and differences explained.

The similarities between Basil and Holy Basil:

  • Both Holy Basil and regular Basil belong to the Lamiaceae (mint) family.
  • Both have antibacterial, antiseptic, and anti-fungal qualities.
  • Both are used for culinary purposes.

Basil Overview:

  • Basil Scientific name is Ocimum Basilicum.
  • It is a culinary herb mainly used as a flavoring agent in various types of dishes in the world.
  • The leaves have a sweet aroma and flavors vary from aniseed, to lemon and more, depending on the Basil variety.
  • It is an Annual herb.
  • Basil grows between 30–130 cm tall, with opposite leaves which are smooth.
  • The major components in basil include linalool, estragole (methyl chavicol), anethole, eugenol, and methyl eugenol..

Holy Basil overview

  • Holy Basil Scientific name is Ocimum Tenuiflorum.
  • Although used in Thai cuisine and Indian cuisine, Holy basil is considered sacred in Hinduism, and it’s mainly used in Ayurvedic medicine for its medicinal properties.
  • The leaves have an almost medicinal aroma and the flavor is very strong, often described as a peppery or comparable to licorice and cloves.
  • It is a Perennial herb.
  • Holy Basil is an erect, many-branched bush, growing between 30–60 cm tall, with opposite oval-shaped shaped leaves, which are  covered in hairs and often have slightly serrated edges.
  • The plant contains numerous active compounds and the major compounds are linalol, eugenol, methylchavicol, methylcinnamat, linolen, ocimene, pinene, cineol, anethol, estragol, thymol, citral, and camphor.


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